宋健 研究员
2022年12月-至今 上海大学 副教授
2018年10月-2022年11月 中科院上海微系统所 副研究员
2016年07月-2018年9月 约翰?霍普金斯大学 博士后
1. Jian Song, Weiguo Huang*, Tie Li* et al. " Part per trillion Level DMMP Gas Sensor Based on Calixarene Modified Organic Thin Film Transistor" Chemical Engineering Journal, 446, 137097 (2022)
2. Xinwei Huo, Jian Song*, Jianhua Gao* et al. "Synthesis and application of thienylene-vinylene-thienylene derivatives for organic field effect transistors and ammonia sensors" Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 364, 131875 (2022)
3. Hui Li*, Jian Song* et al. " Single-Solution Doping Enabling Dominant Integer Charge Transfer for Synergistically Improved Carrier Concentration and Mobility in Donor–Acceptor Polymers" Advanced Functional Materials, 32, 2110047 (2022)
4. Zhenlin Fan, Jian Song*, Jingyan Wei* "Reactive Human Plasma Glutathione Peroxidase Mutant with Diselenide Bond Succeeds in Tetramer Formation" Antioxidants, 11, 1083 (2022)
5. Caicong Li, Jian Song*, Weiguo Huang* et al. "Camel Nose Inspired Highly Durable Neuromorphic Humidity Sensor with Water Source Locating Capability" ACS Nano, 16, 1511-1522 (2021)
6. Jian Song, Jennifer Dailey, Howard E Katz* et al. " Influence of Bioreceptor Layer Structure on Myelin Basic Protein Detection using Organic Field Effect Transistor-Based Biosensors " Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1802605 (2018)
7. Jian Song, Jennifer Dailey, Howard E Katz* et al. " Extended Solution Gate OFET-based Biosensor for Label-free Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Detection with Polyethylene Glycol-Containing Bio-Receptor Layer" Advanced Functional Materials 27, 1606506 (2017)
8. Hui Li, Wei Shi, Jian Song, Howard E Katz* et al. " Chemical and Biomolecule Sensing with Organic Field-Effect Transistors " Chemical Reviews 3, 119 (2019)
9. Hyun-June Jang, Taein Lee, Jian Song, Howard E. Katz* et al. "Electronic Cortisol Detection Using an Antibody-Embedded Polymer Coupled to a Field-Effect Transistor " ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 16233 (2018)
10. Hui Li, Mallory E. DeCoster, Robert M. Ireland, Jian Song, Howard E. Katz* et al. " Modification of the Poly(bisdodecylquaterthiophene) Structure for High and Predominantly Nonionic Conductivity with Matched Dopants " Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 11149 (2017)
1. 一种荧光星型聚合物及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,ZL202010249769.2(第一发明人)
2. 一种顶接触式气体测试腔及应用其的动态气体测试系统,发明专利,ZL202010312318.9(第一发明人)
3. 一种有机场效应晶体管气体传感器及其制备方法,发明专利, ZL202011295179.X(第一发明人)
4. 一种用于检测有机磷化合物的气体传感器及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL202011442807.2 (第一发明人)
1. IEEE-NEMS 2021, Invited Speaker
2. APCOT 2022, Invited Speaker
3. 20th International Union of Materials Research Societies Conference,Oral
4. 第十四届全国化学传感器学术会议,邀请报告
5. 2019中国材料大会,口头报告
6. 第五届全国分子材料与器件学术研讨会,口头报告